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New in Quality

NEW Quality Book of Tools

The Quality Book of Tools now has its own website.  Be sure to visit us at

Canada’s first ever Quality Book of Tools is a comprehensive set of primary care indicators for family practices.  Using this book will help family doctors and other primary care providers improve the quality of care in their practices. (More about the Quality Book of Tools)

Praise for the Quality Book of Tools


“Like the perfect sunflower with 8 petals symbolizing quality in Family Practice, this book flourishes by stimulating all practitioners to excellence in all that we do.”


“It is easy to assume and discuss quality. It is much harder to demonstrate and improve it. This well written and succinct book offers a clear pathway to better quality.”

Rich Roberts MD JD
President Wonca 2010-2013

“A key to quality improvement is a practice knowing where it is going. This Book of Tools provides a concrete and comprehensive set of goals for primary care practice teams and will also serve key stakeholder’s understanding of the reality of practice quality. I complement the authors for this excellent practical product. “

Jim Vause MBChB FRNZCGP (Dist) Dip GP
RNZCGP Cornerstone Assessor